Barts TAVI procedure
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) is a means of replacing a
diseased aortic valve in the heart through a catheter-based approach rather than the
conventional approach of open heart surgery. Surgical aortic valve replacement
(AVR) is a major operation that requires that patients have a reasonable level of
fitness to survive, and benefit from, the procedure.
The TAVI procedure is an elective one that requires detailed assessment of the
patient and agreement from a multidisciplinary team (MDT) in a cardiac centre that a
patient is appropriate for TAVI.
4F, 10F Femoral Sheath
6F Radial Sheath
5F Pigtail Catheter (125cm length)
6F Pigtail Catheter (100cm length)
5F AL1 Catheter (100cm length)
Safari Wire
1 Proglide
1 8F Angioseal
2 5ml Syringe
1 10ml Syringe
FOR JENAVALVE (bifemoral access) + RIJV (for temporary pacing):
18Fr COOK Sheath 30cm
6Fr femoral sheath
6Fr MPA1 diagnostic catheter
Big Trolley:
Frozen saline bag x 2
Extra big bowl for valve rinsing
Heparinised saline (500ml) on pressure (IV pole) (like mitraclip setup)
Y-connector (hemostasis valve) + extension
Sterile drip set (like mitraclip setup)
20ml 1% Lidocaine
10ml Heparin
1:1000 Adrenaline
3-way tap
60mL luerlock syringe (for de-airing)
30mL luerlock syringe (for flushing)
Contrast 15mL/Saline 85mL
A pair of Scissor and forceps (borrow from small trolley)
2 Bowls of Saline for soaking valve (minimum of 1 minute each bowl)
(If narrow QRS, pacing through Safari wire. If broad QRS, [high risk of complete heart block post procedure] anaesthetist will insert 5Fr sheath via RIJV for temporary pacing).
4Fr femoral sheath to Right Femoral Artery (RFA)
6Fr radial sheath to Right Radial Artery (RRA)
Femoral shots to check : of sheaths
RRA (right radial artery access):
Insert 5F pigtail (with 260cm wire) through 6Fr RRA sheath and position in the aortic root (will be used for Aortogram shots and hemodynamic monitoring)
RFA (right femoral artery access):
In RFA, Insert 150cm guidewire then remove 4Fr sheath and insert 8F angioseal to measure the depth, then remove
Insert the proglide and preclose
Insert 10Fr sheath and give heparin
Introduce 6F pigtail catheter through 10Fr sheath and position in the aorta
Remove guidewire and replace with SAFARI wire (stiffness of safari provides support for the insertion of 14fr sheath)
Remove pigtail catheter as well as 10Fr sheath but leave safari wire in place
Insert 14Fr Sheath to the RFA
Introduce 5Fr AL1 catheter to the E-sheath and remove Safari wire, and replace with...
150cm guidewire (straight end first)
Once across the aortic valve, Remove the 150cm guidewire and replace with long exchange wire (260cm)
Remove 5Fr AL1 and replace with 6Fr pigtail catheter
Remove long exchange wire (260cm) and replace with Safari wire
Remove 6Fr pigtail catheter but leave safari wire in LV
Introduce Valve delivery system via 14Fr E-Sheath (RFA)
Aortogram (from pigtail in the RRA) to position valve
Pace to 150->180 (to drop pressure) then deploy valve
Remove delivery system
Close RFA using proglide and angioseal
Iliac shot (DSA) from pigtail in the RRA to confirm status of RFA (post proglide closure)
Close 6Fr RRA with Helix or TR band
End of case
Mike Mullen’s ACIST settings:
Flow 6ml/s / volume 6ml - for checking femoral puncture LFA/RFA
Flow 25ml/s / volume 25ml - for aortogram
Flow 10ml/s / volume 10ml - for DSA post proglide/angioseal
Alternative closure device:
S (14-16Fr), L (18-24Fr). Note: use L for all valves except Portico (use small)
0.0014” Angioplasty wire
Introducer (re-use 6Fr femoral sheath introducer, to aid insertion of angioplasty wire)
STEPS: (Dr Simon Kennon, Prof Anthony Mathur)
4Fr to RFA
6Fr to RRA
Femoral shots to check patency of sheaths
Insert 5F pigtail (with 260cm wire) through 6Fr RRA sheath and position in the aortic root
In RFA, Insert 150cm guidewire then remove 4Fr sheath and insert 8F Angioseal to measure depth then remove
Insert 1 proglide and preclose
Insert 10Fr sheath
Insert 5F AL1 and cross the valve with 150cm guidewire (straight end first)
Once crossed, introduce AL1 catheter inside the LV, and remove the guidewire and replace with Safari wire (stiff wire)
Remove the AL1 catheter as well the 10Fr femoral sheath and replace with valve sheath (Edwards E-sheath, Abbott Ultimum, Boston i-Sleeve or Lotus)
Introduce Valve delivery system via 14Fr E-Sheath (RFA)
Aortogram (from pigtail in the LFA) to position valve
Pace to 150->180 (to drop pressure) then deploy valve
Remove delivery system
Close RFA using proglide
Iliac shot (DSA) from pigtail in the LFA to confirm status of RFA (post proglide closure)
Close 6Fr RRA with Helix or TR band
End of case
Additional supplies for JenaValve case:
Ice cold normal saline (500ml bags; 4 per case) *kindly use Lab 10 fridge if possible*
Warm saline on standby (taken from Theatres)
Tuohy-Borst valve with Y-connector (Abbott Co-pilot preferred)
Pressurized heparinised saline bag with sterile extension tubing (1 giving set + 2 wide-bore ext. tubes)
14Fr Boston Scientific sheath
18Fr 30cm Cook sheath (back-up)
6Fr MPA diagnostic catheter
LV high-pressure injector lines
5 rinse basins (use Tavi Pack + Angiopack)