

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Filming of the upcoming Short Film (1st Day)

Filming of the upcoming Short Film (1st Day)

To utilise the free time I have out of the Labs, I filmed the 1st part of the upcoming Short Film that I envisioned. Due to the constant problem of being lazy and in effect neglecting the importance of stocking up, I thought it would be good to remind everyone about this through a short film. Out soon in the theatres near you. Exciting times!

Everyone had fun being actors and actresses for a short while, reenacting what we do in real life on a daily basis.

And in the afternoon, I gave a learning session about CTO to other nurses which hopefully they enjoyed and learned something.

LV Biopsy

LV Biopsy

Renal Denervation

Renal Denervation