PFO (Patent Foramen Ovale) Closure
done under General Anaesthetic
T.O.E. (Trans-Oesophageal Echocardiography) guided
1 Barts angiopack
1 8F Femoral Sheath
1 6F MPA1 diagnostic catheter
1 Amplatz Super Stiff J-tip wire 0.035” x 260cm
1 PFO plug (ask for size)
1 Delivery system (appropriate for PFO size choice)
2 30mL luerlock syringe (for prepping the device)
1 3-way tap with extension (BD Connecta)
1 500mL Saline bag
1 Spike
1 Backstop
1 Ethilon 1-0 Suture for closure (Z-suture)
1 10mL Heparin (10,000iu)
1 10ml Bupivacaine 0.5%
1 10ml Lidocaine 1%
1 Ultrasound probe cover
For sizing balloon:
25 or 30mm PTS-X balloon
Contrast mixture: 30ml contrast/70ml saline
3 way tap
60ml luerlock syringe
30ml luerlock syringe
Procedural Steps:
Right femoral venous access
Insert 8F femoral sheath + 10Fr venous access (if using an ICE catheter)
Introduce 6F MPA catheter and cross the PFO
Park the MPA catheter in the pulmonary vein, and replace the guidewire with Amplatz guidewire
Remove the catheter
Insert the sizing balloon (PTS-X), and measure the PFO using QA (quantitative angiography) and TOE
Remove the balloon, introduce and deploy the PFO plug
Remove everything, then close the access.

Gore Septal Occluder